Saint Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral

Dallas, Texas

Orthodox Church In America (OCA)

Diocese of the South

Photos of our Cathedral

The daily life of the St. Seraphim Parish community is full of prayer and fellowship. This images show some of our favorite moment in the past several years as parishioners gather for celebrations, vigils, candlelight processions, meals, and music. We welcome visitors and and our services are open to inquirers of all ages. Come and see an Orthodox Christian service for yourself! Please join us at Saint Seraphim!

Saint Seraphim Cathedral Main Entrance

Saint Seraphim Cathedral Main Entrance

Man in a baptismal font
People holding candles during a Paschal vigil and procession
Saint Seraphim Cathedral Main Entrance
Candelight procession around a cathedral on Pascha night
church members playing guitars
Church deacon and women sitting down to talk

Church deacon and women sitting down to talk

Church deacon and women sitting down to talk
Orthodox congregation standing in attendance at Divine Liturgy