Saint Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral

Dallas, Texas

Orthodox Church In America (OCA)

Diocese of the South

Celebrating Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra

Families of St. Seraphim's Orthodox Cathedral gathered on the morning of December 6 to hear about the life of Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, and to celebrate the life and generous deeds of the Archbishop of Myra whose life and good deeds live

archbishop dmitri chapel, st Nicholas day at ssoc,
Fr. Theophan speaks to the families about the life about St. Nicholas

on in the tradition of Santa Claus. Traditionally, children leave their shoes near the door and Saint Nicholas fills them with chocolate coins and oranges.

Saint Nicholas Day, Orthodox Children Write Cards and Share Chocolate Coins
Exchanging cards

For many Orhtodox Christians, this child-centric tradition ushers in the excitement of the Christmas season as a foretaste of the treats and celebrating to come when we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.